How To Fix Kitchen Tap Leaking At Swivel – Simple Solution

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kitchen tap leaking at swivel

How To Fix Kitchen Tap Leaking At Swivel – Simple Solution


Dealing with a leaking kitchen tap at the swivel can be quite a nuisance. Not only does it cause water wastage and higher bills, but it can also lead to potential damage to your home. However, the good news is that fixing a leaking tap is a simple DIY job that anyone can do. With a few tools and a replacement cartridge, you can easily resolve this common plumbing problem.

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide to fixing your kitchen tap, let’s explore the basics of mixer taps and ceramic cartridges. Understanding these components will help you diagnose and address the issue at the swivel more effectively.

Understanding Mixer Taps and Ceramic Cartridges

Mixer taps have become the go-to choice for Australian households due to their sleek design and practical functionality. These taps allow you to control the flow and temperature of your water using just one handle, offering convenience and versatility.

Unlike traditional tapware with rubber washers, modern taps are equipped with durable ceramic cartridges. These cartridges consist of two discs that regulate the water flow. While ceramic cartridges are more long-lasting compared to washers, they can still develop cracks or scratches over time, leading to leaks.

Now that we have a basic understanding of mixer taps and ceramic cartridges, let’s proceed to the steps required to fix your kitchen tap leaking at the swivel.

Steps to Fix a Leaking Kitchen Tap at the Swivel

1. Start by turning off the water supply and ensure there is no remaining water in the pipes.

2. Remove the plastic cap or cover to reveal the grub screw and handle. Unscrew the grub screw and remove the handle to access the chrome dress ring and retaining nut.

3. Use the necessary tools to remove the dress ring and retaining nut, allowing you to access the ceramic cartridge.

4. Once the cartridge is exposed, carefully remove it and replace it with a new cartridge of the same model.

5. Reassemble the tap by putting back the retaining nut, chrome dress ring, handle, and grub screw.

6. Turn on the water supply and check for any leaks. If everything looks dry, congratulations – you have successfully fixed your kitchen tap!

Key Takeaways:

  • A leaking kitchen tap at the swivel should not be ignored, as it can lead to water damage and increased bills.
  • Mixer taps commonly feature ceramic cartridges, which control the flow of water.
  • Replacing the faulty cartridge is often the solution to fixing a leaking tap at the swivel.
  • Remember to follow the step-by-step guide mentioned to fix your kitchen tap effectively.
  • If unsure, seek professional assistance to avoid causing further damage.

Understanding Mixer Taps and Ceramic Cartridges

Mixer taps are the most common style of tapware found in Australian homes today. They offer a streamlined and modern design, allowing users to control the flow and temperature of their water with a single handle. Unlike traditional tapware with rubber washers, most modern taps are constructed with a durable ceramic cartridge. This cartridge consists of two discs that control the flow of water. While ceramic cartridges are more durable than washers, they can still develop cracks or scratches, causing leaks. Understanding the components of your mixer tap will help you diagnose and fix the issue at the swivel.

Troubleshooting Leaking Kitchen Tap

If you notice that your kitchen tap is leaking from the swivel, it is important to address the issue promptly to avoid further damage. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take to fix a leaking kitchen tap:

  1. Turn off the water supply: Before starting any repair work, ensure that the water supply to the tap is shut off. This will prevent any water from leaking or causing further damage.
  2. Identify the source of the leak: Carefully examine the tap to determine where the leak is coming from. In the case of a swivel leak, it is likely that the ceramic cartridge is the culprit.
  3. Replace the ceramic cartridge: If the ceramic cartridge is cracked or damaged, it will need to be replaced. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional assistance to ensure you select the correct replacement cartridge.
  4. Reassemble the tap: Once you have replaced the ceramic cartridge, reassemble the tap components in the reverse order of disassembly. Make sure all the connections are secure.
  5. Test for leaks: Turn on the water supply and check for any signs of leakage. If there are no leaks, your kitchen tap should now be fixed.

By understanding mixer taps and the role of ceramic cartridges, you can troubleshoot and fix a leaking kitchen tap at the swivel. Taking prompt action to address leaks will not only prevent water wastage but also extend the lifespan of your tap.

Steps to Fix a Leaking Kitchen Tap at the Swivel

Are you experiencing a common kitchen tap issue where water is dripping at the swivel? Don’t worry, fixing this problem is easier than you think. Here are the steps you can follow to repair your kitchen tap and put an end to those annoying leaks.

Step 1: Turn off the water supply

To begin the repair process, locate the main water supply valve and shut it off. This will prevent any water from flowing while you work on the tap. Next, turn on the tap to drain any remaining water from the pipes, ensuring there is no residual pressure.

Step 2: Remove the tap handle

Use a screwdriver to remove the plastic cap or cover on the handle. This will expose the grub screw. Unscrew the grub screw and gently pull off the handle to reveal the chrome dress ring and retaining nut beneath.

Step 3: Access and replace the ceramic cartridge

Using the appropriate tools, loosen and remove the chrome dress ring and retaining nut. Once removed, you can access the ceramic cartridge. Carefully take out the old cartridge and replace it with a new one of the same model.

Step 4: Reassemble and check for leaks

After installing the new cartridge, reassemble the tap by screwing the retaining nut, chrome dress ring, and handle back into place. Once everything is securely tightened, turn on the water supply again. Check for any leaks around the swivel area and ensure the tap functions properly.

By following these simple steps, you can fix a leaking kitchen tap at the swivel and save yourself from unnecessary water wastage. Remember, if you encounter any difficulties or if the problem persists, it’s always best to seek the assistance of a professional plumber.


How can I fix a leaking kitchen tap at the swivel?

To fix a leaking kitchen tap at the swivel, you will need to follow a few simple steps. First, turn off the water supply and drain any remaining water from the pipes. Then, remove the plastic cap or cover to access the grub screw and handle. Unscrew the grub screw and remove the handle to expose the chrome dress ring and retaining nut. Use the appropriate tools to remove these components and access the ceramic cartridge. Replace the cartridge with a new one of the same model and reassemble the tap. Finally, turn on the water supply and check for any leaks. By following these steps, you can successfully fix a leaking kitchen tap at the swivel.

Why is my kitchen tap leaking from the swivel?

The most common reason for a kitchen tap leaking from the swivel is a damaged ceramic cartridge. Over time, the cartridge can develop cracks or scratches, causing water to leak through. Additionally, a loose or worn-out retaining nut can also lead to leakage. By replacing the damaged cartridge or tightening the retaining nut, you can effectively fix the leak at the swivel.

Why are mixer taps and ceramic cartridges important to understand when troubleshooting a leaking kitchen tap?

Mixer taps are the most common style of tapware found in Australian homes and are equipped with a ceramic cartridge. The cartridge has two discs that control the flow of water. Understanding how these components work will help you diagnose the issue and effectively fix the leak at the swivel. By knowing how the mixer tap functions and the role of the ceramic cartridge, you can easily identify the source of the leak and carry out the necessary repairs.

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